Input API

In the following functions, key must be one of the strings:

  • "L" : indicates the left-arrow/A key,
  • "R" : indicates the right-arrow/D key,
  • "U" : indicates the up-arrow/W key,
  • "D" : indicates the down-arrow/S key,
  • "1" : indicates the Z/C/space key, and
  • "2" : indicates the X/return key.

KEY (key)

Returns whether the key key is currently being held down.

KEYN (key)

Returns whether the key key was pressed since the last frame.

IKEY (key)

Integer version of KEY; returns 1 if the key is held, 0 otherwise.

IKEYN (key)

Integer version of KEYN; returns 1 if the key was pressed since last frame, 0 otherwise.

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