Using the Code Editor

NOTE: To open the Code Editor from the Terminal, type EDIT filename (where filename is the name of the file you want to edit) followed by pressing return.


  • Use the keyboard to type code.
  • Use the arrow keys to move the caret up/down/left/right.
  • Use the home key to go to the beginning of the current line.
    • Pressing it repeatedly toggles between the position before the first non-space character, and the actual first character (space or non-space).
  • Use the end key to go to the end of the current line.
  • Use ctrl + home key to go to the start of the first line.
  • Use ctrl + end key to go to the end of the last line.
  • Use ctrl + F key to toggle "search mode".
    • In search mode, type your search term and press return to find the first/next occurrence of the term. Pressing return repeatedly cycles through all occurrences.
    • Use backspace to delete characters at the end of the search term.
  • Use ctrl + G to toggle "goto mode".
    • In goto mode, type the line number you want to go to and press enter.
  • Use ctrl + D to duplicate the current line.
  • Use ctrl + up to move the current line up (i.e. swap it with the line above).
  • Use ctrl + down to move the current line down (i.e. swap it with the line below).
  • Use ctrl + E to run the file in "Game Mode".
  • Use escape to exit to the terminal.

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