Math Functions

FLR (n)

Returns the number n rounded down to the nearest integer.

CEIL (n)

Returns the number n rounded up to the nearest integer.

RUND (n)

Returns the number n rounded up/down to the nearest integer.

SIGN (n)

Returns the sign of the number n, i.e. returns 1 if n is positive, 0 if n is zero, or -1 if n is negative.

ABS (n)

Returns the absolute, or non-negative value, of the number n.

CLMP (n, min, max)

Clamps the number n to a value between min and max, both inclusive. Same as MIN (MAX (min, n), max) (see below).

OVFW (n, min, max)

Warps n to a value between min and max, both inclusive. Same as ((n - min) % (1 + max - min)) + min.

MIN (a,...)

Takes a sequence of numbers and returns the smallest value.

MAX (a,...)

Takes a sequence of numbers and returns the largest value.

AVG (a,...)

Takes a sequence of numbers and returns their average.

DIV (a,b)

Integer division; returns the integer component of dividing a with b.

DST2 (x1, y1, x2, y2)

Returns the squared euclidean distance between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).

DIST (x1, y1, x2, y2)

Returns the euclidean distance between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).

DEG (rad)

Converts from radians to degrees.

RAD (deg)

Converts from degrees to radians.

EXP (n)

Returns the exponential function applied to the number n.

LN (n)

Returns the natural logarithm applied to the number n.

LG (n)

Returns the base 2 logarithm applied to the number n.

LOG (n)

Returns the base 10 logarithm applied to the number n.


Returns the square root of the number n.

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